How Can a Geriatric Care Manager Help Seniors to “Age in Place?”

If you have a parent or a senior relative, then you may be aware of how well they need to be cared for. But with work and other obligations, you might not be able to help as much as you would like to. You try looking into senior housing options but your parents wish to stay in their homes.

How can you help your loved one age in their own homes, which is also known as “aging In place?”


Aging In Place — What Does It Mean?

When seniors wish to live in their own homes as they age, it is called “aging in place.” But numerous conditions need to be taken into account and a lot of preparations to make before your elder can happily age in place.

 Factors to Look into When Your Loved One Wants to “Age in Place”

The biggest concern for seniors to age in place is that if you do not live close by, it might be difficult to take care of their daily needs. This in itself makes it necessary to hire a geriatric care manager to look after your loved one.

Living alone also means you need someone to take care of their hygiene routine. If you live far away, then you need someone who can look after your elder during the day as well as night.  Caregivers may be a good option as they can keep a check on health conditions as well as provide company.

Cleaning the house, grocery shopping, and cooking are routines that may be easy for your elder now. But make sure you get some help later on.

Adult daycare centers are also good options for those elders who live alone. It can work as home health care, just at a center.

If your elder needs someone to accompany them to appointments, medical or otherwise, and you can’t be there, think about hiring volunteers who may be available for that duration.

Make changes so the house is safer for the elder to live in and move around. Alert systems should also be in place in case of an emergency.

If your elder suffers from chronic illness, then getting the right professional to advise you may help tremendously. In particular, if your elder wants to live at home, a professional will help you plan for any future complications that you need to watch out for.

Make a list of finances that need to be attended to regularly. This is a task that you could perform online or set up automatic payments for monthly and yearly bills.

The benefits of aging in place:

  • Staying close to loved ones
  • They feel less dependent on others
  • Better mental and physical health
  • Familiarity and control over routine
  • Less expensive than assisted living
  • Safer than living at a facility

The concerns with aging in place:

  • Make sure living at home is safe for the elder
  • Need for In-home assistance and support

What is a Geriatric Care Manager?

Geriatric care refers to medical care required for older adults. A geriatric care manager is essentially a licensed professional, such as a registered nurse, a gerontologist, or a social worker, who can guide families with identifying and fulfilling their elderly relatives’ needs.

Also known as an “aging life care professional,” a geriatric care manager can help design a short-term as well as a long-term care plan for the senior. They first assess the medical condition of the older individual along with their current living situation and then find the resources and services necessary for their care.

Hiring a geriatric care manager can be particularly helpful for families who feel overwhelmed or at a loss about providing proper care to their elderly relatives. Working as liaisons and guides, these professionals help ease stressful situations.

Role of a Geriatric Care Manager in Helping Seniors “Age in Place”

  • Prepares a list of needs for the elder
  • Checks the medical records
  • Addresses future concerns
  • Helps the family create a detailed long-term plan
  • Assesses the services that must be hired
  • Manages these services
  • Hires caregivers
  • Discusses difficult issues with family
  • Hires personnel for in-home duties


How to find the right Geriatric Care Manager?

When hiring a geriatric care manager, there are a few important things you must consider:

  • They are licensed
  • They are experienced
  • They inform you about the charges beforehand
  • They have solid references
  • They can handle situations that may be too stressful for the family

A geriatric care manager is most needed during stressful events that require the family to make important and well-informed decisions about a loved one. Since these professionals aren’t related to the individual and are at the same time experienced in dealing with similar situations, it makes them better equipped to handle the decision-making process. 


Why Do You Need a Geriatric Care Manager?

One simple reason why you should hire a geriatric care manager is that you love your elder and that love may prevent you from giving them the proper care they need.

A geriatric care manager has more experience with and knowledge of issues concerning old age. Their main purpose is to allow the family to relax in the knowledge that their elders are healthy, happy, and being properly looked after.

There are various scenarios in which a professional could help you, but the biggest concern for families these days is the distance. Families live far apart and thus can’t physically attend to the needs of the elder frequently. Hiring a geriatric care manager will enable you to check in with them, instead of worrying from a distance and talk to them about the well-being of your loved one.


Final Thoughts

Your elderly parents or relatives may want to retain their independence even in old age. But certain health conditions may require your loved one to be under constant care and attention. For all such scenarios, it is better to talk to a geriatric care manager so that you’re aware of all the options that can help you make the right decision.

Living at home or “aging in place” requires long-term planning. It is, therefore, necessary that you talk to your loved ones and understand their wishes first. Once you know what is needed, you can arrange for their needs better, and later involve a geriatric care manager to make all the required arrangements.

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